IOWA ASSOCIATION OF RAILROAD PASSENGERS 3349 Southgate Court Southwest #108 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 (319) 362-6824 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE--10/07/97 STATE RAIL PASSENGER GROUP TO MEET IN BOONE (Boone, Iowa)--The Iowa Association of Railroad Passengers, Inc., (IARP) will be holding its next meeting at the Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad in Boone, Iowa, at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 18th. The group will hear an update on rail passenger service in Iowa as well as nationally. IARP President Richard F. "Dick" Welch (of North Liberty) says IARP is a state-wide group that supports rail passenger service--both commercial and tourist service. Welch says the group meets at various locations throughout the state. Previous recent meeting sites have included: Amana, Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Des Moines and Osceola. This meeting will be held about the recently restored railroad passenger car "City of San Francisco." The meeting is open to the public and non-members are encouraged to attend and find out more about railroad passenger travel. Following the meeting, members, who send in advance reservations and payment of $25.00 per person, will be riding the historic railroad car to Wolf, Iowa, and back to Boone. That train departs at 12:45 p.m. and returns at 3:00 p.m. The Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad is located at 10th and Division Streets in Boone, Iowa. Membership information and advance Wolf Train reservations are available from the Iowa Association of Railroad Passengers, Inc., 3349 Southgate Court, SW, Suite 108, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404-5424. IARP can be reached by telephone at 319-362-6824. E-mail can be sent to President Welch at The IARP website is located at: Membership information will also be available at the meeting. -30-