Iowa Association of Railroad Passengers

Next meeting in the Des Moines area
Saturday, August 27, 2005

IARP President Pat Hendricks, assisted by Gary 
Billmeyer, has made the following arrangements for the next meeting:

Saturday, August 27, 2005, at the Okoboji Grill, 
1225 Copper Creek Drive, Pleasant Hill (Des 
Moines), Iowa. (Okoboji Grill is located 
approximately 1¸ miles east of the Iowa State 
Fairgrounds, just off East University Avenue (Highway 163)).

Attendees may enjoy an optional lunch from the 
menu at 11:00 a.m. and join together at 1:00 p.m. 
for the program and business meeting. Meals will 
be paid for by each individual participating in the lunch.

The 1:00 p.m. program includes:
Pat Hendricks, President, Iowa Assn. of Railroad Passengers
                 Passenger rail update
         Dick Welch, Regional Director, National Assn. of Railroad Passengers
                 NARP update and federal positions update
         George Davison, General Counsel, IARP
ãHow to build steam for passenger rail.ä

The public is invited and welcome and encouraged 
to attend the program and meeting.

More information about the association is available at:

After the meeting, attendees are invited to a 
special tour of the model railroad at the Iowa 
State Fairgrounds operated by the Central Iowa 
Railroad Club. The club was formed in 1967 and 
operates a 20x45 foot model railroad layout 
depicting Midwestern scenes. More than 8000 hours 
have been spent by club members creating the 
layout. The layout has the equivalent of nearly 
seven scale miles of mainline operating track.