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                        Urbandale Man to Lead Rail Passenger Group

        (Amana, Iowa)-Henry Wulff of Urbandale was elected President of the Iowa
Association of Railroad Passengers at the group's meeting Saturday in
Amana. Wulff succeeds Richard F. "Dick" Welch, of North Liberty, who has
served as president of the group for six years and chose not to run for
re-election. Wulff works in Senator Charles Grassley's Des Moines office.
        George F. Davison, Jr., of Des Moines, was re-elected as Vice President of
the group. Davison is a lawyer with the law firm of Hawkins & Norris in Des
Moines. Davison is also General Counsel of the organization.
        Dr. Michael Sellz of Iowa City was re-elected Secretary. Sellz is a
chiropractor in Iowa City. 
        Mary Buczek of Davenport was re-elected Treasurer. Buczek is affiliated
with Iowa-Illinois Thermal Insulation in Davenport. 
        John M. Ely, Jr., of Cedar Rapids,  was re-elected to the Board of
Directors for a three-year term.
        Cathy Johnson of Iowa City and Roland M. Lynch of Council Bluffs, continue
as Directors of the group, since their positions were not up for
re-election this year. Johnson also continues in her position as Membership
Chair of the group.
        Iowa Transportation Commission member Tom Aller of Cedar Rapids spoke of
the importance of the enhancing rail service for both freight commodity
hauling as well as passenger service. Aller talked about how the Iowa is
changing and how important it is for Iowa to take a multi-modal approach to
        John Hey of the Iowa Department of Transportation told the group that a
report is expected to be released next month about the feasibility of the
Midwest Regional Rail System, a nine-state regional passenger rail system
which is in the planning stages. Hey is Iowa's representative to the group.
        The group also heard from State Senator Neal Schuerer of Amana who talked
about the railroad tradition of the Amanas.
        The President and CEO of the Iowa Interstate Railroad, Doug Christy, gave
the group a progress report on the Des Moines area commuter rail project.
Christy said it is hoped a feasibility study will be completed in June. 
        The Iowa Association of Railroad Passengers is a statewide, non-profit
citizens' organization which supports rail passenger service--both
commercial and tourist service. IARP supports a solid rail infrastructure,
quality freight service by rail and intermodal. The group was formed in
1981 to strengthen the voice of the rail user in Iowa. 
        The group meets at various locations throughout the state. The
organization is affiliated with the National Association of Railroad
Passengers in Washington, D.C.
        Membership information is available by writing to the Iowa Association of
Railroad Passengers, 3349 Southgate Court, SW, Suite #108, Cedar Rapids,
Iowa 52404-5424 or by calling (319) 362-6824.