Iowa Association of Railroad Passengers

Next meeting in the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area
Saturday, April 2, 2005

IARP President Pat Hendricks, assisted by Gary Billmeyer and Mary 
Buczek,  have made the following arrangements for the next meeting:

Saturday, April 2, 2005, at the Blue Room of the Colony Village Restaurant, 
Interstate 80 at Exit 225, Little Amana, Iowa.

Attendees may enjoy an optional from the menu lunch at 11:30 a.m. and join 
together at 1:00 p.m. for the program and business meeting. Meals will be 
paid for by each individual participating in the lunch.

The program includes:
Dan Sabin, President, Iowa Northern Railroad and Special Consultant to the 
Hawkeye Express
"The Hawkeye Express - How and why the Ski Train ran in Iowa last fall."
Pat Hendricks, President, IARP
                 Passenger rail update
         George Davison, General Counsel, IARP
"How to build steam for passenger rail."

The public is invited and welcome and encouraged to attend the program and 