For Immediate Release 09/14/00 Rail Passenger Group Urges Support of Midwest Rail System (Urbandale, Iowa)--The President of the Iowa Association of Railroad Passengers said today that Mark Wandro, Director of the Iowa Department of Transportation, should continue to study the issue of high-speed rail before making his final recommendation to IDOT commissioners. Henry Wulff of Urbandale said, "It's important that Mr. Wandro consider the long-term impact of ending Iowa's high-speed rail at Iowa City. Cities like Grinnell, Newton, Des Moines, Atlantic and Council Bluffs would never have fast, efficient railroad passenger service. Ten years from now these cities will either be a part of a vast Midwest High-Speed Rail network, or they will be separate from all the Midwestern cities which will benefit from this rail connection." Over the next decade the nine Midwestern states will develop a high-speed passenger rail network that will connect cities from Minneapolis to Cincinnati and Cleveland to Kansas City. The proposed route through central Iowa would connect the previously named Iowa cities to Chicago and Omaha, as well as to the rest of the system. Three to five trains a day, each way, are planned for the completed system. Wulff cited three reasons why high-speed passenger rail is important to central and western Iowa. It would enhance freight service by providing improved rail and roadbed, giving shippers along this route the same opportunity for fast, efficient freight service that other Iowa shippers enjoy. Secondly, it would allow central and western Iowans the same opportunity to travel throughout the Midwest that residents of the connected communities would enjoy. Thirdly, it has the potential to make Des Moines a rail hub in the event that a passenger rail route from Minneapolis to Kansas City becomes a reality. Wulff concluded by asking, "Can we really afford to be the only part of the Midwest that will not be connected to the high-speed rail network? Ten years from now, will we be fighting to keep passenger rail in the same way we are fighting to keep airline passenger service today? It is time to be bold in our vision for Iowa. And that vision has to include an all- Iowa connection to high-speed passenger rail." The Iowa Association of Railroad Passengers is a statewide, non-profit citizens' organization which supports rail passenger service--both commercial and tourist service. IARP supports a solid rail infrastructure, quality freight service by rail and intermodal. The group was formed in 1981 to strengthen the voice of the rail user in Iowa. The group meets at various locations throughout the state. The organization is affiliated with the National Association of Railroad Passengers in Washington, D.C. Membership information is available by writing to the Iowa Association of Railroad Passengers, 3349 Southgate Court, SW, Suite #108, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404-5424 or by calling (319) 362-6824. -30-